Saturday, October 25, 2008


Ahhh so it's time for our brenda/yuri/sexy 's birthday! *claps*


It has been so much fun being your imaginary and self-proclaimed umma ;D
and not forgetting our spazzy/saraming/stickaming/ranting/'so close'/'talking about OPPA'/talking about your goat(?) times together... boy that was long phew~

Also damn that stupid fever! ><
remember MAA? with chea running in the airport and both of us calling him LOL I was spazzing in tuition!
We better be meeting up soon! *points finger* remember Nov 7 baby~ then we'll get to spazz all night!
I like how Choi SiWon and Cho KyuHyun both starts with a 'C'
This is fate sexy~ we're meant to be spazzy partners ;D and I dont know how that relates too!

It was great knowing ya brenda! and I've got to thank 'So Close' for our friendship ;D

A life goes by
Romantic dreams must die
So I bid mine goodbye and never knew
So close was waiting, waiting here with you
And now forever I know
All that I wanted to hold you
So close...

p/s; hmm it's a love song and it connected us.. God and hes weird ways xD